Friday, January 4, 2013

Revival and Resolutions

Well, WELL...if it isn't my long lost BLOG.

I could sit here and type a thousand excuses or awkward reasons why I stopped blogging, but that's boring, so I won't. The fact is that I convince myself somehow that I don't have time or desire to Blog, which is totally nonsensical, because I like to write. I should MAKE time instead of planting myself in front of the TV every night when I get home. So, I'm hoping to change, starting now, in the Revival of my Blog. I'm pretty sure that the last time I actually wrote down any kind of News Year's Resolutions was in the second grade, because it was REQUIRED. Since then, I've seen them as something people think up, stick with for about a week and then forget, until the next year when the process starts all over again. I guess in a sense, that's what I'm telling myself (and you) that I'm not going to do.

But I'm serious this time. Doesn't writing a blog about it make it so? :) I just feel like this year, I have so many things that I want to do swirling around in my head that I better write them down, and hold myself accountable in a weekly blog.

2013 Resolutions:

1. Blog at least one a week. This should not be hard to do. I have plenty of time to watch TV shows at night, so a night of blogging instead should be easy. I just have to convince myself I really do want to do it.

 2. Get up during my work lunch break every day and do something active. Willpower is SO key here. Sure, there are days where a lunch break is a luxury I don't have, but there are others where I'm I if I just eat lunch at my desk and read or look up stuff on the internet? NO MORE! When the weather is nice, there is a great park to walk to, and when it's not, there is an office gym.

3. Do a vigorous, physical workout at least three days a week. I've already got this two times a week by going to my gym's Bootcamp on Mondays and Wednesdays after work. To get a third, I need to take up racquetball again, go to Zumba at the gym on Fridays, or be serious about hiking around Coyote Hills with Husband, and/or walking an entire Frisbee Golf course with the Fam on the weekends.

 4. Eat less Junk food.  This one is SO vague I know, but I can't really think of a way to make it more specific, because Junking Out for me is sometimes random. I HEART dessert. I would eat frozen yogurt all three meals if I could and I'm never one to pass on treats someone makes for a gathering, party, office function, etc. I don't by or make copious amounts of sweets for the house-- just a few things to satisfy, like fruit snacks or hot chocolate. But when it's available, I eat it. Like now, with gargantuan amounts of Christmas goodies in my house. Sometimes I even go out of my way to find dessert, or do something like order a salad at Wendys, but then also get Fries, or a Frosty.  If someone suggests an unhealthy food option, I dig right in, too. Since I know, I KNOW, I am never going to be one of those people who works out every single day to keep the calories of what I eat at bay, I have to cut out some of unhealthy food. I know the willpower needs to be mine alone.

5. Floss my teeth every other night. This one may seem silly, but I've had enough cavities for about three people's lifetimes (see Resolution 3). And I already use ACT wash and my Sonic Care toothbrush every day. My dentist says I need to floss, and I mean to.

6. Write a YELP review once a week (if applicable) about a new restaurant. When I was in Chicago, I LOVED doing this. I think it was because I was in a big city and felt so "in the know" and frankly, ate out a ton because of all the good places I read about. But, SO WHAT if I live in the "Suburban City to Rule Them All" now? There are still great places to eat here. I know-- I've eaten at them. And I will write about them to aid the 200,000 people of Fremont (and anyone who visits) in their dining choices.

7. Complete a Blog back-log of all the trips that Steve and I took together in 2012. I mean to get on this ASAP. I read back in my posts about New York and when people came to visit in Chicago and was just amazed at all the details that I had forgotten from my own recollection. You really do remember more when you write it down. And although I might not remember every detail from our Napa trip in Feb of 2012, but I'll remember WAY more now than 10 years from now, when I actually want to remember. The good thing is, I have pictures from most of our trips to help me along the way.

Seven resolutions. Totally doable, totally obtainable. I'm ready, 2013. Let's go...


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