Thursday, May 20, 2010

All Stuffed Up

I did make it to Bally three times last week, but the total for this week is going to be a big, fat zero. Even though I didn’t feel that great Friday after work, I went swimming anyway. I woke up on Saturday morning with a nasty head cold. Steve had been sick the previous 3 days, and a few people had been out sick at work. I am sure I caught it from one of those sources. I attempted to go to work on Monday, but my supervisor sent me home after commenting how miserable I looked.

In college, I used to get sick quite a bit—late nights, stress over papers, etc. But they were usually mild colds that I could work though and go to school with. Since I moved to Chicago and started working at Cision, I honestly have way less stress than when I was in college. I usually only get sick twice a year or so (knock on wood). When I do get sick, it hits me hard. It’s kind of a good thing that I got sick on the weekend, because I was down and out for four full days. After finally getting some sleep on Tuesday night (my cold eased up enough for Nyquil to FINALLY work), I came back to work Wednesday. I’m taking a break from the gym this week so my body and immune system can fully recover.

Side note—Isn’t it so weird when your nose is plugged up on both sides and you can’t smell or taste anything? It really limits your appetite, because it’s like…what’s the point of eating this yummy food when I can’t taste it? Someone should hone that in for a diet plan.

In other news, Steve graduates from UChicago Law on June 12 and will be done with classes and finals by this time next week. That is INSANE to me. In September, we will have been here for three full years. What a fun and interesting ride. He’ll then start his studies for the bar that he takes in Cali at the end of July. Once that’s over, I’m hoping that we can have a fun and relaxing summer – with some national and perhaps international trips, wedding planning and taking it easy until the next chapter in our lives really starts to pick up speed.

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